A Blog? Why Now?

 There is no time like the present, right?. You know how you can tell God has laid something on your heart? You can’t figure out why you are drawn to it, and you can’t get it out of your head. That is what happened to me about starting a blog. I have been thinking about doing this now for a couple years, but the timing never worked out. I’ve had so many things change over the past two years, and now the time has come. I’m ready!

“What do I have to offer?”. “Why would people read what I have to say?”. “What if they think I am crazy, or worse?”.

It’s so easy to fall into that space. However, one of those things I mentioned above that has changed over the past two years… I’ve stopped allowing people’s opinions to dictate what I do in my life. I have always had the desire to help others. That’s why I became a nurse and later started my own business. I love smiling, being happy & bubbly, and being part of a community. I love trying out new things but also love familiarity. I feel like I have learned a lot in 31 years. Some things I feel would have been easier if I had been told instead of finding out myself. I am sure we all feel that way. I love challenging and surprising myself with what I can learn to do. I want to embrace life. It is a precious gift, and God wants us to live it abundantly and joyfully. That’s what I hope I can inspire you to do. 

I want to create a safe, sweet, and peaceful space where you can laugh (make yourself feel better about the silly things you do), grow, and be inspired. I hope you get something out of the things I share. I told my husband if I could help just one person smile, find the Lord, feel creative, etc. then it was all worth it. I want to share my heart — including some of the hardest things I have been through. I want to help you feel confident in yourself, your skin, and your abilities.  Come join me on this wild new ride. I would love to connect with you and know what you’re branching out and doing for yourself, too! There is no time like the present, right?

Warmly, Chels