How to be a Godly Wife
If you’re anything like me you are devoted to growth and long to be the person God created you to be. Being a Godly wife is something I strive to do daily, but fail at often. We are constantly battling the flesh as we live here on earth, but we can overcome our fleshly desires if we allow God to be the center of our heart and life. (Ephesians 6:12). If we allow the devil to plant destructive seeds within our marriage, they can be detrimental, which is so satisfying to him. I don’t want to allow him even an ounce of satisfaction! As a married Christian woman, being a Godly spouse is what we are called to do. His Word gives us clear instruction. Is it easy to obey? Not always, but the joy that lies ahead for Christians is worth the hardships we will endure in any area of life. I know that I struggle with what seems like the same issues regularly. Selfishness, entitlement, and control seem to be my big ones. I am literally cringing as I call myself out right now, but marriage is HARD, and if we don’t want to be another statistic for divorce we have to work at it every day.
I recently enrolled in Lindsey Maestas’ Course, The Wife Project. I am doing this with a group of women so we can grow together and hold each other accountable as sisters in Christ. We weren’t meant to do life alone, y’all. Lindsey’s teaching has been such a blessing so far. It has challenged me to focus on MYSELF and the speck in my eye instead of focusing on my husband’s (Matthew 7:3). Self-evaluation is hard, but it can be life changing for a marriage. We were created to glorify God in all we do, and that includes in our marriage. We must recognize and accept that we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). No one is perfect, and as a woman it’s easy to fall into the trap of trying to “fix” our spouse and make them more like us, but the truth is, we have faults, too. Our way isn’t always the “right” way even though it may seem so in our minds. We are called to be “love him” wives, not “fix him” wives as Lindsey would say. (Gut check, right?).
I am choosing to believe each of us try to do what we think is best in every situation. However, if Christ isn’t the center of our lives we will never get it right. He must come first. The best way to keep our eyes on the Lord is by meditating daily on his Word and surrounding ourselves with people who are doing the same. When we do this we find the things that seemed to be such a big deal before weren’t so important after all. I wanted to share some of the tips I feel have made a difference in my life and marriage.
What I'm Doing:
➱ Pray for God to bring to light the things I need to change in the way I react and act towards my husband.
➱ Stop focusing on what my husband can do better and focus on what I can do better.
➱ Pray for my husband. Pray for specific areas in his life. The best wife is a praying wife.
➱ Pray each morning for me to portray the fruits of the spirit.
➱ Be intentional with acting like a serving wife instead of a selfish wife (Base this on your husband’s love language.)
➱ When you feel aggravated about something, pray for God to reveal if this is something worth talking about or letting go.
➱ Respect your husband. Just like women desire to be loved, men desire to be respected.
➱ Release your husband from having to earn your love and kindness. We are showing love because we love the Lord. We aren’t doing it for our husband necessarily. We are doing it to glorify God.
I want to say this again. MARRIAGE IS HARD. These things challenge me OFTEN! I pray these things challenge and encourage you. I know personal growth is not always easy, but I can assure you the joy that comes from the product of growth is WORTH IT! For me, there is nothing more satisfying than hearing my husband verbalize the change he has seen within me and change his actions, too.
If you have tips that have helped you in your marriage, I would love to hear them. We are all learning each day.