Life , Wife, Mom Goals for the New Year- 2021
Christian Lifestyle Goals
I am always excited about making goals for the new year, but if I’m being honest, I’m not good at the follow through. I used to have a system I would use: The 5 Fs: Faith, Finances, Friendship, Family, & Fun. I would set my goals, do really well in January, and then forget the excitement I felt when writing them. Not to mention I would lose the paper Nic and I would plan on. Am I alone in that? I wish I was different, but this is the year of being honest with myself more than ever. It’s time to try something new and let the Holy Spirit in my heart lead me.
My goals are more character and daily living changes. I wrote them and put them on my bathroom mirror and the refrigerator to remind me what I am striving for each day. To be more like Christ in what I think, what I do, and how I act is my #1 goal.
I want my life to be a constant picture of my actions glorifying him.
There are multiple books in the Bible that explain how to live life as a Christian. I pretty much highlight the whole thing. It can be a little intimidating, but God doesn’t expect perfect. Only one person lived a life free of sin in the face of constant temptation and that was Jesus. Because of his sacrifice, he made a way for us to come directly to God. He is the way, the truth, and the life.
I wish every day I could be more like him. I somehow ALWAYS mess up, but God is so gracious and merciful.
⭒ My overall life goal for the year is to grow closer to the Lord, learn everything I can about his Word, and let his light shine through me as I live each day.
⭒ The scripture that inspires my daily actions this year is to live more like the Proverbs 31 woman. This chapter shares how to be a wife, woman of God, entrepreneur, and mother.
⭒ Kingdom work goal #1: Encourage women in the midst of the chaos season of life (motherhood+womanhood) that a beautiful relationship can grow with the Lord when you invite him in.
⭒ Kingdom work goal #2: Create tools that help women get in the word and seek the Lord while completing their daily “must do’s” as a woman+wife+mother.
⭒ Kingdom work goal #3: Remind others that God tells us who we are and what we are worth – not this world.
⭒ Kingdom work goal #4: Share my beautifully messy journey as I learn and grow.
I know that in the past when I’ve tried to make plans for the year it doesn’t work out. Instead of stressing about the logistics, I want to get out of my comfort zone. Sure we still make financial goals and talk about what we would like for our family this year, but we don’t get caught up in the logistics. The Lord already knows what the future holds so instead I want to train my ear to hear him louder so he can guide my daily steps. I want to be present and make the most of what he is calling me to do for him each day. I have no idea what this looks like, and I know that my flesh will constantly be in battle with the spirit because the devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy all the good in our life. When I try harder to do good, he tries harder to put fear and doubt in my mind.
We can claim victory over sin in Jesus’ name. The enemy has NO hold on us, so this year as I work towards these goals each day, I will try to remember that as well!! I hope this inspires you and gives you confidence in what God can do through you this year. Will we do it perfectly. Probably not, but we will grow and fall in love with the Lord more and more as we get up and try again.
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