I’m working through The Daily Grace Co’s, “Mercy in the Storm” Bible study. It’s a study on the book of Jonah. We all hear this story growing up, but for me, as a child I never really thought much about the end of the story after the fish spit him out. Did you?… The story of Jonah still leaves me hanging with questions, but as I get deeper in this story I hear some things loud and clear that God is wanting to reveal to me.
Today, as I was studying Jonah I saw him at what seemed like his lowest of lows. If I were him, I would’ve felt hopeless in his shoes. He was sinking to the bottom of the ocean. Then he ends up being swallowed by a fish with what seemed like no chance of survival. That’s the thing though isn’t it? When we are at a low point in our life the enemy has a way of making us feel hopeless. He clouds our vision, and sometimes he succeeds for a short time because we forget just how amazing, powerful, and loving our Heavenly Father is. The enemy likes to make us feel unworthy of saving and alone. But the only thing the enemy is good at is speaking lies. When we spend time in God’s Word His truth will live in us, and build a strong foundation on truth.
Let’s dig a little deeper. Even though Jonah had run from God, intentionally disobeying Him, God still showed Jonah mercy. In Jonah chapter 2 you see Jonah calling out to God from the fish’s belly. You see a change in his perspective. He recognizes that God is sovereign over all. Jonah sees God not only has the power to take lives, but the power to give it.
The reason I wanted to share this today is because we often can feel hopeless. Like our circumstances or even our hearts are too far gone from God to be rescued and restored. Reading Ephesians 2:1-10, we see that it wasn’t because we were good God sent His Son to die for our sins. It was out of love. We never earned the gift of salvation. We deserve NOTHING. While we were disobedient, prideful, and selfish sinners God poured his love out on us through Jesus Christ. Jesus loves us so deeply and was willing to lay his life down for sinners like you and me. We were dead in our trespasses, but God brought us back to life to live together through Christ. It was by His grace, not our works that we were saved. Isn’t that a relief? We are never too far gone! It’s hard to comprehend a love like that in our flesh. I get overwhelmed sometimes thinking how amazing our God truly is. I am so grateful for his devotion to me even when mine wavers due to fleshly excuses. The good news is there is nothing we or anyone else can do to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:38-39). So friend if you are feeling like Jonah did initially, afraid or hopeless, call out to Jesus. Talk with a friend and have them pray with you. Have someone speak truth and life into you through the Word of God. Most of all remember, the devil is a liar, and God is full of truth and love for you that you can never depart from.