We All Struggle with comparison, but how do we overcome it and fulfill our purpose
Whew… A life sucker – COMPARISON. I don’t know if it’s because I’m a woman or because it’s so easy to see others’ highlight reel thanks to social media, but this was something I used to really struggle with. Sometimes, it slowly sneaks back in without me even realizing it. But that’s what sin does. It sneaks in so that it seems “normal” and “common”.
I was listening to Pastor Louis Giglio’s podcast episode “Comparison is on the Mic” for Passion City Church, and it was everything I needed to hear. This year I feel God tugging me into something new and unknown. I have NO idea what it’s going to look like, and that can leave room for fear to creep in. When I allow that to happen it opens up a door for many other toxic emotions/actions. Comparison being one.
I am so nervous, y’all. I would lie if I said I didn’t find my mind comparing myself to others that are already doing (and succeeding at) the type of things I’m feeling called to do. But what Louis was talking about hit the nail on the head.
God designed each one of us perfectly and uniquely. There is no one else like us in this world. We all bring something unique to the table. Do we share the same goal of spreading the good news and bringing glory to God? Yes. But that’s not what I mean. God gave us all special gifts, and if we find ourselves comparing our talents and path with others, we will find ourselves stumbling into a place we shouldn’t be.
We already know when we take the reins of our life into our hands we tend to mess it up… Or I have learned that’s what happens when I do. When I find myself even thinking, “I could never speak like she does about ___.”, “I don’t look like her.”, or “I don’t have anything valuable to add that isn’t already out there”, I hear the Lord nudging me to turn my focus back on him.
Who am I to tell God what he can and can’t do through me. Who am I to tell him his masterpiece isn’t good enough for his calling for me. He literally SPEAKS things into existence. I can’t argue with him.
God made me unique. He made YOU unique. When we start comparing ourselves to others in our job, motherhood, relationships, etc. we allow the enemy to distract us from our God given purpose. My adult role has enough distractions already. Doesn’t yours?
Here are some things I'm doing to help me claim victory over comparison:
⭒ Claiming truths about my identity in Christ with his Scripture
⭒ Unfollowing all accounts that lead me feeling LESS THAN or inadequate
⭒ Remembering that none of us are perfect or worthy. We all fall short to the glory of God, but we are all designed by him and for his purposes.
⭒ Listing things I am good at. (ask a spouse or close friend to help if needed).
⭒ Surround yourself with people that speak life over you and want to see you succeed. Those that see things in you that you don’t see in yourself.
We are all capable of greatness with Christ. He wants to do great things in our lives if we will choose him. He is the potter, and we are the clay. I pray that we are all moldable and allow him to work in us and through us according to his will.
Don’t be distracted by enemy tactics like comparison because we are not promised tomorrow.
So let’s make the most of today.