Why Are you Allowing This to Happen, God?
Even If Bible Study
I recently completed The Daily Grace Co.’s Bible Study on the book of Habbakuk. I bought quite a few, and God led me to complete this one first. If I’m being honest I had no clue what this book was about. I couldn’t recall reading it before and had to look up in the contents of the Bible where it was. (This is something I’m working on this year).
I will start out saying this is my takeaway from doing this study.
This book was PERFECT for what is going on in the world right now, and if you are struggling with the questions, “Where are you, God? Why are you allowing this to happen?” then this would be perfect for you.
Habakkuk was a prophet that cried out to the Lord because of the violence and sin going on in the world around him. He didn’t understand why God was allowing all of this to happen. He starts out complaining almost desperately to the Lord about all the chaos and violence going on. As we know, the Lord always hears our cries and answers Habakkuk.
One of my favorite verses in this book is 1:5, “The Lord replied, “Look around at the nations; look and be amazed! For I am doing something in your own day, something you wouldn’t believe even if someone told you about it.””.
Even when we don’t see him at work, we can trust that HE IS. He is never sleeping so to speak. This reminds me when the disciples were on the boat and the storm was raging and they saw Jesus sleeping. They woke him panicking and he said, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid” (Matthew 8:26)”. He is always watching and at work for us. He will always protect those who love and serve him.
Throughout chapter 2 he answers Habakkuk and shares with him how judgement and consequences are in store for the world’s behavior. He states, “This vision is for a future time. It describes the end and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed” (v.3).
God is omniscient. All knowing. We have no clue what his timeline is but we can trust that what he says is true. Everything happens exactly WHEN it is supposed to.
I love the prayer ending this book in chapter 3. Habakkuk is reassured that God is in control and will keep his promise to care for those who are his. He sings a beautiful prayer of praise!
With all going on currently in our world, it is easy to wonder why God is allowing this to happen. There is so much sin we see each day at work, on television, and on social media. Everywhere. It’s so disturbing, but we have to remember who God is. He is our faithful almighty Father. He is the Eternal One. We can find joy where we are because we have hope in the Holy One. We can trust that he will fulfill his promise.
When the enemy starts planting seeds of doubt in your mind about your situation or the events happening around you, I encourage you to find a quiet place and take those fears and concerns to God. Remember his promises to care and protect you. Give your burdens and fears to him because he will give you peace like no one else can. We don’t have to live in fear. How wonderful is it that we have the Holy Spirit living in us to carry us through this chaos and link us directly to God. So much peace is found in him, and EVEN IF things don’t look like we think they should, his plan is always better than ours.
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